Airport in Targowiska near Krosno. 2022.

Krosno 2022-12-14

Airport in Targowiska, Iwonicz near Krosno.

Geographic coordinates: 49.658N 21.815E. Elevation 965 ft (294 m).

Airport Targowiska. 2022 year. The work of Karol Placha Hetman
Airport Targowiska. 2022 year. The work of Karol Placha Hetman

Airport Targowiska. 2022 year. The work of Karol Placha Hetman
Airport Targowiska. 2022 year. The work of Karol Placha Hetman

The former airport was called Krosno-Iwonicz Airport, but it was also known as Targowiska Airport. The airport was built in the 1930s. It was a factory and sports airport that complemented the airport in Krosno. Then the owner was the Polish Aeroclub. In recent years, the airport was managed by Lotnicze Zakłady Produkcyjno-Naprawcze Aero-Kros Sp. z o. o. in Krosno. The airport had the ICAO code - EPIW. The total area of the airport was 140 hectares.

As a curiosity, it can be added that the Krosno-Iwonicz Airport was on the list of NATO targets for complete destruction, because it could be used for take-offs of Soviet aircraft.

The airfield had a grassy take-off field where two RWYs could be laid out. In the middle of the landing field there is a hard RWY, which has been given an asphalt surface. Motor hang gliders and ultralight planes used the airport. But for many years the airport has not been fully used. The reason was the expansion and modernization of the airport in Krosno.

It must be said that the area of the Targowiska airport is very attractive. The airport was initially located in the Krościenko Wyżne commune in Pustyny. The city of Krosno decided to include this area within the city limits. Negotiations have begun with neighboring municipalities. On August 6, 2018, the airport was deleted from the register of airports in Poland, which allowed for a change in the spatial development plan. With the consent of the communes of Krościenko Wyżne and Miejsce Piastowe, on January 1, 2021, the former airport area was included within the boundaries of Krosno. The city has the right of perpetual usufruct. The former asphalt runway is to be used as a road (connector) to the S19 road. The rest of the land will be used for other investments. Of the entire area, 18.47 hectares were purchased by the commune of Krościenko Wyżne, and 11.00 hectares by the commune of Miejsce Piastowe.

Data of the former Targowiska airport.

Iwonicz - Zdrój, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 9, 38-400 Krosno. ICAO code - EPIW. RWY asphalt, dimensions 960 m x 30 m, direction 117/297. Radio frequency: Krosno Radio 122.4 MHz and 122.7 MHz. Area 141.66 hectares.

Written by Karol Placha Hetman