The Aero Vodochody company, known as AERO, was founded in 1921. Aero Vodoch...
The Aero L-159 is a light attack and advanced training aircraft manufacture...
The Aero L-29 Delfín is a turbo-jet training aircraft developed in Czechosl...
The Aero L-29 Delfín is a turbojet trainer aircraft developed in Czechoslov...
Aero L-60 Brigadyr is a light Czechoslovak aircraft adapted for liaison, di...
The Aeroem Małgosia II plane is an experimental aircraft that was developed...
Aeroprakt A-22 is an ultra-light plane in a duralumin high-wing brace syste...
The Fouga CM.170 Magister is a French training aircraft. The aircraft is th...
The Airbus concern has been conducting market research since 1990, and in 1...
The Airbus A-320 is a medium-sized passenger plane. The Airbus A-320 is a f...