Dęblin 2013-07-05
Military airport in Dęblin.
Part 3.
Geographic coordinates: 51.551N 21.892E.
Dęblin airport - Infrastructure.
Lublin province. Coordinates: N51 ° 32'42 "15, E21 ° 54'04" 15. Elevation: 118 m (388 ft.): EPDE code, Agate. Phone number. +48226821779. Radio frequencies: Approach 128.25, Tower 122.75, Info 128.5, Square 122.8. The airport has one main runway (RWY) with a concrete and bituminous surface. It has dimensions of 2 500 m x 60 m. It is located in the direction 12/30 (121/301). Parallel to the main DS, on the north-eastern side, there is an emergency DS, 2,000 m x 200 m in size, with a grassy soil surface.
Written by Karol Placha Hetman