An-2. Escape from Krakow to Vienna. 1982.


An-2. Escape from Krakow to Vienna. 1982.

An-2 nb 7447 „Wiedeńczyk”. 2009 year. Photo by Karol Placha Hetman
An-2 nb 7447 „Wiedeńczyk”. 2009 year. Photo by Karol Placha Hetman

An-2 TD "Viennese" NB 7447 was produced in PZL Mielec on 9.01.1967. On January 10, 1967 entered the service in Polish aviation. In 2015, the plane was 48 years old. Until then, the plane made 15 500 landings and spent over 7,000 hours in the air.

In 1982, several officers with families escaped from Krakow to Vienna, a plane that is in the picture. The escapees were officers from the 13th Regiment of Transport Aviation from 2 squadron.

Written by Karol Placha Hetman